In an increasingly digital world, we often overlook the power and beauty of authentic connections. This is not the case for us, the SEWA Experiences team, who have always placed authenticity and transparency at the forefront. These values were the central theme of our networking event on August 26, which took place at Artegianale Brașov, in the beautiful garden inside the venue.

Evenimentul a fost mai mult decât o simplă întâlnire între oameni. A fost o invitație la explorarea autenticității în conexiuni, să dezgolim adevărurile și să ne împărtășim ideile într-un mediu plin de inspirație. Cu tema „TRANSPARENT”, am invitat participanții să intre într-o lume unde niciun detaliu nu a fost ascuns și fiecare conversație a fost sinceră și semnificativă.

Live music was a key element of the evening, with Remus Miron, who created a soundtrack that perfectly complemented the atmosphere. Additionally, the art exhibitions offered a different perspective on transparency, showcasing works by local visual artists.
We enjoyed interesting and delicious cocktails, Mediterranean-style food, and artistic experiences integrated with cars and motorcycles. Therefore, we thank our partners at this event, who completed the atmosphere. We also thank Artegianalefor providing the venue.
Participants were encouraged to let their imagination soar and explore personal interpretations of the theme of transparency. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and a desire to create genuine connections, with laughter and conversations accompanying the evening.
“Transparency” is not just a value for SEWA, but also an invitation to a world where connections between people are valued above all else. The networking event was proof that, no matter how digitized the world becomes, human relationships will remain essential.
We succeeded in creating an unforgettable evening that brought people together and opened the doors to exploring transparency in human relationships. As the theme suggests, new perspectives were offered, and each participant left with precious memories and new connections for the future.
We eagerly await you to join the cultural experiences we organize.
Thanks to Andrei Paul, who captured the key moments of our event in images!
Keywords: sewa, experiences, culture, networking, transparency, values, community, relaxation, art, artists, local